Wednesday 21 December 2011

Day 24 of my diary for Ciara

Hey babe,

Well today was a pretty good day, except for one thing... The hot water isn't working :|
So I got up this morning, jumped into the shower and squealed like a little girl as the freezing cold water assaulted my body. If I wasn't awake then, I certainly was after that shower!

Mum had gone shopping with Pa, so I was left home alone for the morning. I made myself vegemite toast, and because we didn't have any juice, I had Dr. Pepper soft drink. The breakfast of champions!

I then wandered around the house for a bit, rather bored, so I offered my services as a director to a few people and it looks like I've got a few gigs shooting some music videos for bands coming up!
I then sat down at the computer and wrote more on a new screenplay I've been working on. It's not great... But hey, at least I'm writing something! I will make it good eventually.

Mum got home around lunch time and I had meat pies for lunch whilst watching the movie "Hobo With A Shotgun."
Dear god, sweet mother of Jesus that was a bad film! I can't even begin to explain just how bad it was... I mean sure it was an exploitation film, but Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez made much better exploitation films when they did their Grindhouse double feature!

Anyway I then proceeded to teach myself Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People on ukulele after seeing a mate's cover of it for her audition for the tv show The Voice.
I'm getting pretty good at it too! Not long before I'm a ukulele virtuoso (if there is such a thing...)

After dinner I wrote my review of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol after Chris pestered me to do it. So I posted that to my blog if you want to have a read of that as well!

That's it for today, a pretty relaxing and fulfilling day for me!

How's France babe? That is if you're still there, and not on a plane home...
I called your mum and I'll be at the airport with her to pick you up tomorrow night! I can't wait to see your face Ciara, I've missed you like crazy these past three and a half weeks... I love you more than words can describe my girl.

So until tomorrow, safe journey and bon voyage!

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Review of "Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol" - SPOILER WARNING

Synopsis (From IMDB): The IMF is shut down when it's implicated in the bombing of the Kremlin, causing Ethan Hunt and his new team to go rogue to clear their organisation's name.


Let's start this off by saying that I'm reviewing "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol" with my fanboy goggles firmly on. I went and saw it at the advanced screening on Wednesday the 14th of December 2011 at Hoyts cinemas, Frankston in their EXTREME Screen.
I am a huge fan of the Mission: Impossible franchise, except for MI2... Let's just pretend that John Woo never tainted the series with his over-stylised, horribly geographically incorrect and bordering on racist film.

But MI2 is not the reason why we're here! After the series reclaimed it's original panache with J.J. Abrams' MI3, we're now treated with "Mission: Impossible (4) - Ghost Protocol."
I put the number four in brackets because whilst this is the fourth film in the series, they've decided to go against the numbering in the film titles and give it a flashy new name with "Ghost Protocol."

The latest adventure see's Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) in his biggest and nigh-on impossible mission to date. The film kicks off with Agent Hanaway (Josh Holloway from "Lost") murdered by an attractive assassin named Sabine Moreau (Lea Sydoux) for a document containing Russian nuclear missile codes, which she intends to sell to a terrorist known only as "Cobalt" (Michael Nyqvist from "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" series). 

Hunt and his team are sent into the Kremlin to retrieve files identifying Cobalt and this ensues in a very cool, but tense scene in which Hunt and Benjy Dunn (Simon Pegg) hide behind a cloaking sheet as they infiltrate the Kremlin archives.
But alas Cobalt was there already and he sets off a bomb in the Kremlin, framing Hunt and his team as the perpetrators. To the Russians, this is an undeclared act of war by the United States and the IMF is shut down and "Ghost Protocol" is initiated, which basically means the entire agency is disavowed.

From here on in, Hunt and his team are tasked with catching Cobalt, stopping his plans of world destruction and clearing their names. All in a day's work for Ethan Hunt!

They travel from Russia, to India, to Dubai where Hunt must perform a death defying climb on the outside of the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building. Tom Cruise actually did this crazy stunt! He does all his own stunts and he's nearly 50 years old!!! Actors of today need to take a lesson or two from Mr. Cruise, no need for CGI just go out there and do it for real! It looks much more authentic and real if you actually do a stunt, rather than jump in front of a green screen. 
Hence why director Brad Bird chose to shoot the film in IMAX, not 3D on Tom Cruise's insistence. Bird says "It truly immerses the audience. It's really bright, it's really sharp. Big, bright images: they are worth a lot. If your star is going to climb up the outside of a building for real, then I kinda feel as a director, you have a duty to show it."

Ghost Protocol is Brad Bird's live action directorial debut, with his previous films being animations (The Incredibles, The Iron Giant & Ratatouille). And I must say, he did a bloody fantastic job!
I love my movies big and stylish, and Bird delivered on both these fronts. The action is big and stylish, but not stupidly over the top like in John Woo's films. Yet still realistic, but not destroyed by shaky camera like in a Paul Greengrass film.
This is a beautiful movie, the cinematography is utterly gorgeous, adding to the slick and stylish nature of the film.

My only two criticisms of Ghost Protocol are;

Whilst the film has a bad guy, he isn't really an arch-enemy for Hunt like Phillip Seymore-Hoffman was in MI3. Michael Nyqvist is a brilliant actor, and the writers could've done so much more with his character, instead of killing him off, he could've returned in another Mission film to make life even more difficult for Tom Cruise. But I guess that wouldn't have worked as each film is directed by a different director who brings their own style to the series, so it could've impeded too much on the next director's choices in how he directs the film (If there is a next one, that is...).

The second is the nuclear missile which Ethan Hunt stops moments before it crashes into San Francisco. 
It would've exploded before it got to where it was when Hunt hit the disarm button. Typically, nuclear missiles are air-burst weapons, which means they actually explode in the air above the target. This is to increase the effectiveness of the explosion and push the nuclear blast further so that it is not obstructed by things such as large, heavy buildings.
And come on, the missile is moments from collision! Talk about last minute much?

To sum up, Ghost Protocol has made me remember why I go to the cinemas to see movies and why I want to be a director. Movies are about entertainment and escapism, and if you can keep an audience captivated for 133 minutes you've done your job. 
And that is exactly what Brad Bird has done with "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol". He transported me for 133 minutes into the world of Ethan Hunt and his team, where the mission is bigger than ever, and the stakes are higher than ever!
I thoroughly enjoyed this film and would go and see it again and again and again!

My rating for "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol" is:

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Day 23 of my diary for Ciara

Twenty three days! Gosh how time flies!

Well today was a rather mundane day, so I'll keep this blog short.
I woke up at 12pm noon, obviously I needed the sleep huh!
I then had breakfast, helped mum around the house and then did some writing.
Pa came around for a bit, so I had a good chat with him!

Then later in the arvo I headed off to work where I spent the next five hours working and looking after the store.
When I came home, the family weeny here as they were at Lochy's indoor juniours grand final, which unfortunately he lost.
So while they were out, I had dinner and watched a movie called Priest, which was pretty cool!

Now I'm headed to bed where I shall retire for the night. Not long before I see your face now :)
Ciao bella

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Monday 19 December 2011

Day 22 of my diary for Ciara

Hey babe!
I'll jump straight into today's blog!

Firstly I've gone and hurt my knee, I don't know how, but it's not good... It feels like its out of place and it hurts to bend it. So I'm going to get it checked out if it doesn't fix itself soon!

I awoke early this morning, considering the time I went to bed last night... (3am) Well morning, but anyway! I tried to call you, but alas it was not to be. Seems as if you never turn your phone on or answer my calls... No surprises there though.

Anywho I jumped on a bus from Rosebud and headed into Frankston where I brought mum her Christmas present, hopefully she likes it!
After that I headed to school to fix up my university preferences and then caught the bus home.

I finished season one of Arrested Development, went for a skate and then came home. Lochie was out to dinner for a school thing, so it was only mum and I home for dinner, we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas with dinner. God I forgot how good that movie is, very weird though...

Anyway that's my day, I'm now lying in bed where I've read two screenplays tonight!

That's it for today! I hope you're having an amazing time over there Ciara :) I can't wait to see you on Thursday! I love you girl.

So I better head to bed now, goodnight beautiful.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Sunday 18 December 2011

Day 21 of my diary for Ciara- The three week mark

Three weeks! Twenty one days!
How time flies when you're having fun hey! Well for you I'm sure it has, for me it feels like an eternity since I saw you last Ciara. I can't wait to hold you in my arms when you get home babe!

Anyway today was a good day. Except for the morning... When I was rudely awoken from my slumber by Dad to help him put the netting over the fruit trees because a bunch of rosellas had got into the trees and eaten the apricots.
So with no food in my belly I worked for the next half an hour to 45 minutes getting that done.

Once that was completed, Lochlan kindly made us all eggs for breakfast and I watched nearly all of season one of 'Arrested Development.'

This is how I spent most of the day; just relaxing, catching up on my rest and so on.
Then we headed to indoor hockey to play our last game for the season, and we won! The end score was 9-3 our way, which is awesome! So we came third overall!

I then drove the return trip, dropping a teammate off in Balnarring and then headed home. So that's a good hour or so to add to my book!

Then this evening I went exploring with Nick, Mark and Jason. It was very fun! I took some great photos and tried to get some of the thunderstorm over the bay, but alas they didn't work...

So now I'm finally rugged up back at Nick's place. Going to get a damn good sleep tonight!

I can't wait to hear from you babe, let me know when it's ok to call again!
I love you so much Ciara and I can't wait to see your face girl!

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Saturday 17 December 2011

Day 20 of my diary for the beautiful miss Ciara Griffiths

Hey gurrl how's it going?

Well I tried to call you today, but low and behold your phone didn't work as usual... So I tried a couple more times, it didn't work. So I went back to sleep, woke back up, tried again, didn't work again, so got up and had some breaky.

Nick and I watched the Guy Ritchie movie 'Snatch' which is one of my favourites!
We then wandered on the beach and went for a paddle.
Nick then drove me to work where I spent the next six hours watching The Muppets Christmas and chatting about wedding dresses with Ali.
After work I met up with a couple of mates for an hour or so, which was nice.
Now I'm sitting at home watching 'Friends With Benefits' which is really good, damn Mila Kunis is a babe! :P

So yeah, that's my day. Had a bit of a breakdown so it'd be nice to hear your voice. But yeah it doesn't matter if you can't!

I better head to bed, get some shut eye. Got a hockey match tomorrow evening so I need my energy!
Let me know when I can call you babe, or you call me, it'd be amazing if I can hear your voice. I love you Ciara.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Friday 16 December 2011

Day 19 of my diary for Ciara

Hey girl, well today was a pretty awesome day!

It started off with me getting a text message at 7am this morning with my ATAR score for VCE. I am very happy with it, I got a 67.55, and considering the year I've had I'd say I did rather well!

Then later in the morning I had a lovely chat with you on the phone. I then walked to work while chatting with you. Ciara, you have no idea how much hearing your voice meant to me. It was the high point of my day by far :)

Then for the next six hours from 10am-4pm I worked around the shop, serving customers, taking deliveries and helping out the air conditioner guy who was fixing it. Oh and we got new uniforms! They're not great... But better than the crappy one I have at the moment!

After work I grabbed some maccas for lunch and headed home. My feet were killing me, I mean really sore for no reason. So I sat back and watches part of season one of a show called 'Arrested Development.' It's really funny! I recon you'd like it :)

Then later this evening after dinner Nick came around and picked me up. We then headed down to his place, wandered through Rosebud, along the beach and then watched some Simpsons.

That's my day really! I didn't do much, but a great deal happened!
Thank you again for chatting on the phone this morning babe, it really made me smile to know you're having an amazing time over there!

Like you asked me to I'll call again in the morning here, but maybe a bit earlier so you're not as tired!
Let me know on Facebook when works best for you and I shall call :)

Well I better head to sleep, it's kinda late here now... Well early... It's half past midnight, so either way it's bedtime for me!

Until tomorrow, adieu my darling girl, I love you Ciara.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Thursday 15 December 2011

Day 18 of my diary for this beautiful girl called Ciara

Well hey there gorgeous!

Well today was a pretty chillaxed day, woke up and called you but again your phone didn't work... So please let me know when I can call on a home line!

I just pottered around the house most of the day, just relaxing!
I wrote more on my screenplay and watched a DVD or two.
And that is literally it, some may say 'what a boring day', but to me, it was very relaxing! And that's all that matters right!

When Lochy got home he was complaining about some kid harassing him on the phone, threatening to beat him up, but Loch didn't know who it was. Of course, this kid was a bit of an idiot and didn't put his phone on private, so Loch had his number. I called him up, pretending to be some guy from Sydney that got a 'missed call' from him and that I needed to know who it was as I was expecting an important call about some business. And this kid gave me his name. What a total idiot! So now Loch knows who it is, in case this kid tries to hurt him, we can send a nice little law suit his way!

So that was an exciting little bit for the day, got to use my acting skills for something too! :P

Tomorrow is the day I find out my ATAR score for vce, which is exciting. But at the same time, I doubt I'll get much sleep tonight... Kinda nervous... Oh well what will be will be hey!

Anyways that's it for today, should probably get some sleep, I've got work all day tomorrow. Hopefully we talk soon, I can't wait to tell you all about my scores!
Let me know when I can call babe, I really really need to hear your voice Ciara. I love you girl.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Day 17 of my diary for Ciara

Hey girl, how's it going? I hope you're having an awesome time in Milan!
I can't wait to talk to you Ciara, let me know when I can call and I shall!

Well what a day today was! I woke up at Corey's place, tired as all heck. I should've gone to bed before 4am... Anyway I made a sandwich for breaky, grabbed a Gatorade from the shops and I was set!

I headed down to school to meet with a teacher to discuss a project he wants me to work on for him. He'll be getting the school to pay me money to shoot a short documentary he can use in the classroom! How cool is that?!?! My first real filming job and I haven't even hit film school!

After that I went home and I caught up on a good hour's worth of sleep whilst mum was out shopping with Pa. When she got home I had some leftover lasagna for lunch and wrote more on my film. I've had a couple of people read it; my media teacher from distance ed, who gave me some really good tips, and my drama teacher from flinders who absolutely loved it!
So that's going well!

Later in the evening I went into frankston to go bowling for the Civic staff Christmas party. I got one of the highest scores out of everyone! I don't know how... I haven't bowled in god knows how long, but I got two strikes!!! While we were there, I played Taylah from work in a game of pool. She was winning, I had three balls to sink and she only had the 8 ball left. She sunk the 8 ball and the white ball, meaning I won by default! Pure luck wins Josh sports yet again! Hahaha

Afterwards I met up with Dad to go and see the advanced screening of Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. Damn it was a good movie. I really enjoyed it! The only downside was that some idiots came into the cinema half way through and made an awful ruckus, but they got kicked out nice and quickly, so it all worked out well!

And that's my day, pretty exhausting! I'm ready for bed now, I need to start getting to sleep before midnight... Oh well I'm not at school anymore! But still, my body needs the rest.

I'll call you at the usual time on your mobile tomorrow. Hopefully it works, but if not please let me know if I can call Pietro's house or not, because I really need to hear your voice Ciara. I had a bit of a meltdown and I just need to hear your voice.

I love you so much girl, more than you will ever know. I can't wait to see you again!

Until we speak again, !

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Day 16 of my diary for Ciara

Hey babe, ok so today's is a little late on the upload, but it's up!

Yesterday was a pretty good day, I slept in so late its ridiculous, you'll never guess when I slept til!
12pm. Yes you read it right, slept until noon. What a badass I am...

The rest of the day consisted of my Mission: Impossible marathon because I'm seeing the new one on Wednesday night!

Then later in the evening it was off to school for presentation evening. It was the most god-awfully boring thing I've ever experienced. And I've been to every single one, but this one was the worst out of them all!

But every year 12 was presented with their 'graduation bible' (how exciting...) I think mine will be used as a paperweight.

Then after presentation I headed to Corey's place in Tyabb with a couple of the lads for a bit of a celebration! We went for a walk in Tyabb at about midnight. While we were walking we heard this massive bang, like an explosion. Then about two seconds later, the sky was lit up by this massive blue flash. It was the weirdest thing!

Perhaps it was aliens!!!
In Tyabb? Not likely... (sigh) I'll have to wait longer before I get to fly in a spaceship.

Anyway that's it for today! I got your message this morning, but you were gone by the time I sent my reply. So let me know when I can call you up and I will. Because I miss you terribly, and I really, really need to hear your voice babe.

Until I speak to you next, I bid you adieu. I love you Ciara.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Monday 12 December 2011

Day 15 of my diary for Ciara

Hey babe!

Well today was an interesting day indeed! I awoke to call you, but of course you didn't answer as usual, so after trying again I resided in the fact that you probably won't pick up.
So I went back to sleep, but not long after, I was awoken suddenly by the ringing of my phone!
I quickly snatched it up, thinking that it was you calling, but alas it was not... It was my manager (sigh) asking me to cover a shift at work this afternoon.
Of course, I said yes, I need all the money I can get!

So because of that, my plans to meet up with some mates in Rosebud we're cancelled because by the time I went down there I'd have to turn around and come back home!

So I sat around, played some playstation and wrote some more! I then looked on the Hoyts cinema website and booked tickets for my dad and I to go and see the advanced screening of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol on Wednesday night after my work Christmas party.

So I'm very excited to see that film!
I then headed down to work this arvo, my first shift on my own! It went pretty smoothly, apart from the computer crashing several times... Stupid thing.
Holly from work and her boyfriend came in to help me with closing up later tonight, which was good just to make sure I hadn't missed anything!

And then I headed home where I started my Mission Impossible marathon before seeing the new one on Wednesday!

That's about it really for me today!
How's Milan babe? What's it like there? How's your host family and Pietro? Hope you're having an amazing time over there girl!

I love you and miss you lots! I'll call at the normal time on your mobile, but let me know if I can call his home and I'll call there instead if that works better!

Well I'm off, beddy byes for Josh!

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Sunday 11 December 2011

Day 14 of my diary for Ciara

Two weeks... Two whole weeks you've been away in Europe! Geez I miss you Ciara. Like you wouldn't believe! So you're in Milan now, how exciting! I can't wait to hear from you and hear all about the exchange family!

Anyway today started off like any other. I woke at the usual time and tried to call you, but yet again it didn't work. Starting to wonder whether you just don't want to talk to me... hahaha I kid I kid :P
I went back to sleep and didn't wake until 11.15. I must've needed a sleep in!

The rest of my day was spent helping the family with putting up Christmas decorations and writing more on my screenplay.
Then later this afternoon we headed off to Dandenong for indoor hockey. We won 13-8 which was very exciting! But dear god was the umpiring bad! I mean it always is in our competition, but this was just atrocious! Oh well hey, we won!

Then tonight I had dinner and set about trying to get some editing done on my screenplay. I'm over half way now, so not too long I'll see where I can take it and hopefully get it looked at properly by a professional reader!

But that's all for today, a pretty cruisy and relaxing day all in all.
I hope to hear from you soon babe, I'll call tomorrow at the same time as usual. Let me know if I can call the home phone where you are, but until you do, I'll just call your mobile in case I'm not allowed to for whatever reason.

I love you so much Ciara, I know love is a big word, but I really do.

I'm heading off to bed now so good night my beautiful girl and I'll talk to you in the morning!

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Saturday 10 December 2011

Day 13 of my diary for Ciara

Thirteen days! Nearly two whole weeks since you've been away. I miss you so very muchly! Come home already!!! Hahaha But seriously, I hope you're having a blast over there babe :)

Well today started off with me waking up at Nick's gran's place in Mornington, we crashed there after the party last night. We got up and drove back to rosebud, but in the process, nick showed me this awesome abandoned skate park! I took lots of photos on his camera so hopefully he uploads them soon.

We then picked up his sister and force her to Balnarring. While we were over there we checked out the old submarine in Westernport bay and went to the museum about it. It was very cool! I'd love to be able to go out on it, but alas it's well out in the bay.

I then got a call from Taylah from work at 3pm saying "Hey Josh, you do realize you're starting at 3pm today right?" And of course I thought I was starting at 4pm because my manager told me I started at 4! So we rushed back to my place, I quickly got changed and raced off to work.

Taylah left early so I was in charge of the shop until Ali came to work with me. But Ali was running late because of a wedding dress fit out or something like that, so I was in charge for two and a half hours! It was so much fun, I can't wait to be able to work by myself once I'm fully trained!

Anyway once Ali got there we were pretty busy all night, so that kept us preoccupied. I had Nandos for dinner, which was very nice for a change. When I got home I watched the last Harry Potter movie with the family. It was so good!

Anyway that's basically my day, it was pretty fun! In other news I've nearly finished fixing up my screenplay and I've almost finished writing the music video!

But enough about me! How's Europe?!?! I bet it's amazing and you're having the time of your life there! Is it today you get to meet your host family? I hope you're enjoying it have :)

Anyway it's nearly quarter past 1am so I should get some sleep... Oh who am I kidding? I don't have school anymore! I can stay up as late as I want!!! Weeeeow! But sleep is important though, so I'll end up asleep pretty soon I'd say!

I love you Ciara, and I miss you lots girl. I can't wait to hold you in my arms when you get home :)

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Friday 9 December 2011

Day 12 of my diary for Ciara

Hey gorgeous girl,

Ok so technically it's now day 13 as its 2am here, but I figured I should probably do my diary for day 12 sooner rather than later!
However I'll still refer to it as today because I can't be bothered writing yesterday, past tenses annoy me.

Today I woke up and again tried to call you but continued to get that same message that your phone is off or out of range.
So I headed back to bed after residing in the fact it wasn't going to get through.

I didn't awaken from my slumber until nearly 11.15am. By which point I decided its probably a good idea to Fi and eat something! So I wandered into the kitchen and had two pieces of toast for breakfast, I wasn't very hungry as you can probably tell.

For the majority of the day I sat at the computer writing out a screenplay, treatment and so on for a music video I'm making.
Pa came over for a little bit, so I chatted with him and had a cup of coffee whilst we talked.

Then tonight it was time to suit up in my tails, put on my bow tie, cuff links on my shirt and a hat to top it off.. The reason for me getting dressed up so extravagantly was that it was Luke's "Roaring Twenties" themed 18th and so we all dressed up for a bit of fun!
All in all it was a fun night, no one drank really, except Alex Newton Levey... Was amusing listening to his biblical debates with a heavily Christian person.
It was a pretty fun night and I thoroughly enjoyed myself!

But now it's late, and I need my beauty sleep. I've gotta work tomorrow night, so I don't want to run out of energy during my six hour shift!

I hope to talk to you soon Ciara, and I hope that you're loving every minute of your trip! How is Germany? :)

Goodnight beautiful girl, I love you so much and I miss you like you wouldn't believe. I can't wait to see you :)

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Thursday 8 December 2011

Day 11 of my diary for Ciara

Hey girl!

Well today started off very well indeed! I spoke to a special someone, namely you, on the phone for quite some time. Hearing your voice and all about your trip in Europe made me smile like you wouldn't believe. You have no idea how much I miss you Ciara, and small things like a phone call really help me stay sane :)

After I got off the phone with you, I went back to sleep for a while before eventually getting up and having eggs for breakfast!
My plans of meeting up with a mate today didn't happen, so I decided to do something.

I decided on a shopping trip! I bought Luke's 18th present, a nerf gun! (which I can tell you about on here because I highly doubt he reads this blog!) So I'll give that to him at his party tomorrow night!
I also did a bit of Christmas shopping, for the family.

I got your Christmas present too! I found something that I think you'll really like! Well I hope you will :p hahaha but that's a secret as to what it is until Santa comes to town! That'll keep you thinking! Hehehe

I also brought myself a few things. I got a BluRay movie for mum to give me for christmas (sad when I buy my own presents, isn't it? Hahaha)

I thought I'd indulge myself a bit, so I got myself a new t-shirt which you can see on my facebook page, and a BluRay movie pack for me to have now.
I started off the day with quite a bit of money, now I have next to none... Oh well that's what I work for!

When I got home, I watched the bonus features on my new movie pack, then had dinner later on and sat down to write more on my screenplay.

It's now past midnight, so I think it's time for me to retire to my bed for some well earned sleep! I will call you tomorrow at the same time as today, hopefully it works! :)

I love you Ciara. Until we speak again, stay safe and have an amazing time!

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Day 10 of my diary for Ciara

Ten days! Wow time goes by quick!

I'll keep today's entry brief because there's not much to tell about today really hahaha

I woke up and tried to call a certain girl several times before realizing that her phone wasn't working! So I got up and had breakfast and tried to call her a couple times more, but to no avail...

Today I wrote on my screenplay a bit more, making the dialogue more natural and fluid, as if it were real life and not just the thoughts in my head.
I then went down the street with Mum and Pa christmas shopping and getting the groceries.

I then got my hair cut, looks pretty sexy if I do say so myself! I'll post you a picture as soon as I can get my camera working on the phone, it's decided to die for some reason :/

We then went back to Nan & Pa's place for lunch and then headed home.
I got a message from you asking to call, so again I tried multiple times, but alas my efforts were in vein once again. For whatever reason it keeps saying that your phone is 'Switched off or out of range.' Which is very annoying, but oh well!
I'm starting to get this feeling that you just don't want to talk to me... :P hahahaha

Anyway I watched the Robert Rodriguez film 'Desperado' with dinner and then headed to bed to write this diary once more!
I will call at 6.30am tomorrow as usual, I hope to hear your voice then baby!

I love you Ciara, and I miss you like crazy...

Until tomorrow, I bid you adieu.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Day 9 of my diary for Ciara

The hills are alive, with the sound of music!

Hey babe, there's a different start to the day! According to your itinerary you're in Austria, so I felt it fitting to start off with that!

Well today started off with me trying to call you, but yet again my efforts were in vein... With no answer I tried several more times before residing in the fact that you weren't going to pick up any time soon. And heck I can't blame you? You're overseas exploring the marvels of Europe, no need for me! :p

Anywho I spent the majority of the morning lying in bed reading, because I felt utterly atrocious, I wish my body would like me for once and just stop being sick... Oh well hey!
I eventually got up, had brunch and pottered around the house for the mid part of the day. Pa came around briefly in the arvo which was nice to see him!

I then had work from 4-9pm. My manager left Meg (one of the girls I work with) and I a mountain of work to do, but we eventually got it done! I had satay chicken from the Thai shop for dinner, and it was absolutely delicious

After work I came home and watched Cowboys & Aliens with Dad, it was a good fun movie. And now I've retire to bed once again to write my diary for you and hit the pillow.

Getting my hair cut tomorrow, going to try something different. I don't know what, but I feel like a change of hairstyle! I'll post a pic for you tomorrow.

But until then ciao bella. I love you Ciara, and I hope you're having an amazing time over there. I'll call you at the usual time of 6.30am Australian time.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Monday 5 December 2011

Day 8 of my diary for Ciara whilst she is away in Europe

Hey baby!

Before I start off today's diary, I forgot to mention in my previous blogs, and it cannot wait until tomorrow... Happy 8 months baby! Can't wait to see you when you get home and hold you in my arms.

So today was a pretty good day over here! I tried to call you in the morning, but alas no reply was to be had! (Insert sad face here...)
So I shall call you around 6.30am tomorrow morning like you asked me to! (Insert happy face here!)

Today I pottered around the house for a while, I played my PS3 game Skyrim for a bit before I headed off to my friend Tim Gordon's house with Nick & Alex Gates to record our first single for boysQuad!
Tim basically lives in the bungalow at the back of his house, which is very cool. It's like his own personal bachelor pad!
We spent the majority of the day there, just recording away, which was fun but hard for me because my throat is so sore... Gotta love being sick! Oh well that's what medicine and panadol is for!

Once I got home from Tim's it was about 6pm, so I was just in time for dinner. We had shepherd's pie, which was delicious. For dessert mum made a cake, except she left it in the oven slightly too long and it became rock solid. I mean you couldn't break the thing with a sledgehammer!

But that's about it really, I've been writing a bit more on my screenplays and yeah!
I cannot wait to hear more about your travels in Italy tomorrow morning, but until then it is time for me to hit the pillow.
Goodnight Ciara, I love you so much and I miss you like crazy girl! Stay safe and I hope you're having an amazing time over there.

Love always,
Your Josh xxxxx

Sunday 4 December 2011

Day 7 of my diary for Ciara

Bonjour madamoiselle,
Parlez vous Francais?

Well that was a different way to start off today's entry!

This morning started off with me calling you a few times and it not quite working out because you were traveling. But eventually we were able to talk, and oh did it help to hear your voice. So you're headed to Venice now! How exciting!!!

Far more exciting than anything I've done lately... Sometimes I think to myself why am I writing about absolutely nothing? But then it helps me to keep sane while you're away!

After I got off the phone to you, I went back to sleep and didn't wake up until nearly midday! I feel terrible... Headache, fever, sorest throat and I can't stop coughing! But I'll survive, as always! I seem to get sick a lot...

For the majority of the day I just toiled around the house, not doing much really. I then got up some initiative and brought myself a PS3 game to keep me occupied. So far so good, it seems to be working!

Then this afternoon I had indoor hockey, we won by about 8-0 which was awesome!
I then came home, had dinner, played some more playstation before heading to bed.

Such a demanding day!
Well, not really...

Anyway how's Europe? I'll call you in the morning around the same time as today, about 7.30am Australian time.
I can't wait to hear your voice Ciara, I just need to hear you and just talk, I'm not doing so good today...

But enough of my moping! I hope you're having an amazing time babe and I can't wait to hear all about it next time we speak!

Until then, I bid you adieu.
I love you Ciara.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Saturday 3 December 2011

Day 6 of my diary for Ciara

Hey gorgeous girl,

Well today started off incredibly well, I was awoken at 6am to the sounds of my mobile ringing. I picked up the phone and saw it was from you and for the next ten or so minutes I chatted with the most amazing girl I know. She told me about Europe and the magic of the place, and I just listened in awe of her travels and experiences :)

For the rest of the day, I really didn't do much. No that's an understatement. I did bugger all! I wrote more on my film for a while and tweaked parts of my older one, trying to fix up the terrible sections, which is the majority of the screenplay... But yet I persist!

Later in the afternoon I got a phone call from Tayla at work saying that I needed to come in early, so I rushed to get ready and bolted out the door. For the next six hours I worked at the video shop, helping out customers and generally working. Ali taught me how to close, so not too soon I'll be working by myself. How scary..!..

When I got home I tried to call you, but got no answer, so I'll call again at the same time as you called me this morning. So 6am Australian time :) can't wait to hear your voice Ciara, I miss you so so much!

After that I crashed and watched a DVD before heading to bed to write down my diary for you.
And that's about it really, a very, very bland day for me! Except for the phone call from you that is :)

How's Italy? I hope you're feeling better and the tummy bug has gone away :) I imagine you're having the absolute time of your life over there!
I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow babe, but until then, stay safe and I love you beautiful girl.

Love always,
Your Josh xxxxxxx

Friday 2 December 2011

Day 5 of my diary for Ciara

Hey there good lookin! What's cookin?

Ok that sounded really seedy, not intended at all ;D

So today when I was getting ready in the morning to leave Nick's place, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I picked it up and saw it was you calling! Hearing your voice and what you had to say about Europe was amazing, it really made me smile to know you're having a great time over there!

After I got off the phone to you, with a grin from ear to ear, I jumped on the bus and headed home.
I helped mum out with some chores around the house during the day and watched a couple of DVDs. I didn't work tonight because I'm covering Kaine's shift tomorrow because he could only work tonight. So I went into work anyway and hired a movie called 'Hanna' and a PS3 game called 'Saints Row the Third.'

When I got home I heard my mobile ring and I picked it up and saw it was that familiar number that made me smile. Hearing your voice for a second time in the day really made me happy, you have no idea how much it means to me to just be able to chat with you, even for the briefest of times :) I miss you so so much Ciara! When I see you at the airport, be prepared, I may accidentally suffocate you from hugging you so tightly! :P

Anway, I spent the night home alone because the family went over to my uncle's house for dinner and I was just so tired I couldn't go. So I watched the DVD, played the game and had 2 chicken pies and veggies for dinner.
Wait what? Did I just choose to eat veggies?!?! What is the world coming to?????

So now I'm heading to bed for a well deserved rest, I'm absolutely knackered! I'll give you a call some time tomorrow, I'll wake up early in the morning so I can catch you before you go to sleep :)

Goodnight and have an amazing day girl. I'll talk to you very soon! Thank you again for calling, it really made me smile :) I love you Ciara <3

With love always
Your Josh xxx

Thursday 1 December 2011

Day 4 of my diary for my beautiful girlfriend Ciara

Hello my beautiful girl,

Today was one heck of a day for me! This morning, Nick and I drove down to Bushranger's Bay at Cape Shank. It was absolutely beautiful, the sun was shining and there wasn't a dark cloud in the skies. After a bit of a hike, we arrived at the beach where we explored and climbed up on this massive rocky outcrop where the waves were crashing over the edge. I must take you out there when you get home, you'd love it so much Ciara. We could take a picnic out there with us or something like that! :)

Then we drove back to Nick's, had a late lunch and then drove into Mornington where we played indoor soccer for the NADS team. The team we were supposed to play didn't show up so we got a walkover meaning we won by default (lucky us!), so we played a friendly match against an A grade team and lost by quite a bit... But it was so much fun!

This evening we went into Mornington for a while after the game. We had Maccas for dinner, we messed around with the drive thru staff's heads; at each part of the drive thru, Nick changed his accent. He went from Indian to posh British to Hillbilly American! It was pretty darn funny!

Gosh I can't wait to get my P-plates!!!

That's about it really, I'm absolutely exhausted! Heading home tomorrow, I haven't been there for basically an entire week! This is my schoolies week! Relaxing with my best mate, that's the way to do it! :)

Anyway enough about me, how is Europe?!?! I'm guessing you've left Rome now and are in another beautiful part of Italy. How is it? What have you been up to babe? Can't wait to hear from you! I tried to call several times, but you didn't answer so let me know when I can call you :)

I love you so much more than you will ever know Ciara, and I miss you like crazy...

Well considering is 12.22am I should probably head to bed and get some sleep. I'll try calling you once again before I hit the pillow.
If I don't speak to you tonight, I hope you're loving every moment of your trip and I can't wait to hear your voice!.

I love you Ciara,
Your Josh xxxxxxx

P.s. Did I mention that I love you?

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Day 3 of my diary for my girl Ciara

Hey gorgeous,

Here's a random fact: The loading bay on the international space station is so big that you could fit a blue whale inside! Impressive huh? Ok I need more funny facts, that was just crap...

Today nothing much happened much really. I hung around at Nick's whilst he went off and did his P-plates test, he passed! Stay off the roads, there's a madman on the loose!

While he was out, I started watching a tv show called 'The Walking Dead' which is about a zombie apocalypse, very cool show!

About half an hour ago we returned to Nick's after going for a cruise in his car up Arthur's Seat and down to Portsea where all the drunk schoolies kids are. Was pretty damn funny. Surprisingly Nick is a very safe driver, he sits 10kmph under the speed limit!

Now we're just kicking back, relaxing, chillaxing (yes I just said chillaxing, please don't slap me). Might go for another drive later depending on how we feel, even though it's nearly 12am.

That's about it really, was a rather boring day, rained for pretty much most of it. Oh well summer starts tomorrow, time to work on my tan!

How's Europe babe? Can't wait to hear from you and hear what you have to say about your travels so far!

I guess I should probably call it a night, ciao bella! I love you Ciara. Stay safe and I hope you're having an amazing time!

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Day 2 of my diary for Ciara

Hey Ciara,

I'm going to start my letter to you with a random fact. Did you know that Jesus tamed many dragons? True fact!

So it's day two of your trip away, hasn't really sunk in that you're away for so long! Oh who am I kidding? I miss you like crazy!

So today was the day I had to go into school and do my detention for our muck up day pranks.
Worst day ever for it.
It was so freaking hot! As soon as I got there I was put to work weeding garden beds, then I had to mulch a massive garden. Man it was hot, but a damn good workout! Hahaha
I had lunch in a gloriously air conditioned room, then after that it was back to the hard labour at Flinders Christian Community Concentration Camp!
I pruned every hedge at the front of the school and finished off with more weeding.

I caught the bus to Nick's place. We chilled around for a bit, then went canoeing in the bay (my arms are dead!)
We're now chilling out watching the Simpsons and eating dim sims!

How's your trip so far beautiful girl? Can't wait to hear from you and I hope you're having an amazing time! I love you Ciara.

Until tomorrow, aur revoir my girl.

Lots and lots of love,
From your Josh xxx

Monday 28 November 2011

Day 1 of my diary for my girl Ciara

Dear Ciara,

As we talked about while you're away I'll write a letter to you every day about my day, here's day 1 :)

Today, I went into St. Kilda with dad for a while, I wrote more on my screenplay and then headed off into the city for my interview at RMIT.

I braved the wilds of the Melbourne tram system. My Google map took me to the wrong end of the street so I jogged for a kilometer or more before I eventually ended up at RMIT.

I waited for a about half an hour before I was asked to come inside. There were two people who interviewed me. They rattled off many questions and I answered them all as best I knew how.
At the end I feel I did really well, I answered all their questions and felt really confident! The lady interviewer seemed impressed and said she was very impressed with my skills and capabilities!

On the way back to st kilda, I stopped off to get a coffee from this little Italian place which I must show you!
Anyway, as I was walking towards Flinders street station there was an aboriginal guy who was walking in the opposite direction. He was wearing massive headphones, had a bottle of whiskey in hand and was singing 'So What' by Pink at the top of his lungs!
Only in Melbourne hey!
If only I could get a video in time before he walked away! It was the funniest thing I've seen all week, except for Jakey jumping all over you when we were on the couch watching your Kardashians DVD!

Right now as I'm writing to you, I'm watching a DVD and wishing I could hold you in my arms :)

How was your day baby? How was the flight and your trip to Rome? Or as the Italians say it with so much more style, Roma!
I miss you so much already girl, you have no idea! Hopefully this little diary will keep me sane while you're away :)

I hope to hear from you soon my darling, I love you so very much Ciara.
Stay safe and have an amazing time girl.
Until tomorrow my love, it's good night from me.

Love always from,
your Josh xxx

P.s. I love you Ciara

Saturday 26 November 2011


I'm growing a mustache whilst my girlfriend is away.

Three and a half weeks of mustache growing.
This is going to be sexy.


An idea

My girlfriend Ciara is going away to Europe for three and a half weeks on Monday for her 'Ned Kelly' production tour.
It'll be a very hard time not being able to see her and hold her in my arms.

So to help somewhat, I've decided to write a blog entry for her every day that she is away so she can see what I've been up to.
Think of it as a one way series of love letters.

Not sure if I'll do it on here, or create a new blog, but I'll keep you informed on what's happening!


Its been a while I know. Deal with it.

Hello followers, I apologize for that title, it's a bit nasty.

I've been rather busy of late. I finished school, got a job at Civic Video and have been working there several days. I went into the city and I have seen my girlfriend several times.

Oh and I bought a book. Not just any book. Matthew Reilly's 'Scarecrow and the Army of Thieves.' And my god, what a book it is! To put it simply, it's brilliant. Struggling to put it down!

I won't bore you with many other details. So for now, that is all.


Monday 21 November 2011

Schools out for Summer! Schools out forever!

Well I had my final year 12 VCE exam today. That means I'm officially not a high school kid anymore!

It hasn't sunk in yet, doubt it will.
Feels darn good though!

I also got an email from RMIT saying that I've been short listed for an interview for the Film & TV Production course on Monday!

Today has been a very good day indeed! Hence the amount of exclamation marks I've used in this post.

It's 12am so I should get some sleep now. Night all!


Saturday 19 November 2011

Untitled Sequel

In late 2009 to early 2010 I set about writing my epic action film 'Liquid State' which was based on an idea that I had.
A year and a bit later, I finished Liquid State and took a break from writing to pursue my year 12 VCE (final year of high school in Victoria) studies.

During this time I wrote and directed a short film titled 'The Golden Rule' (which can be found on my YouTube page) for media class. I got an A+ for it and was very happy with myself!

But now I've decided to take up the pen once again! Well when I say pen, I mean the CeltX screenwriting software on my laptop.

My latest project is an untitled sequel to 'Liquid State' where we see the return of the main protagonist, but this time he's a wanted man.

That's all I'm going to say about it for now!


P.s. Below is the link to my short film 'The Golden Rule'

Disappointing results

Well it appears I couldn't play Battlefield 3 online... Needed a code, which I'm not going to buy if I don't own the game. If you own the game however, you get the code so don't be discouraged in buying the game!


Thursday 17 November 2011

Battlefield 3 is awesome.

Battlefield 3 is awesome.
I rented this game on PS3 and finished the solo campaign. Absolutely loved it!
I honestly can say I preferred this story over Modern Warfare 3's.

Tomorrow I will play some online and blog back a full game review.


Wednesday 16 November 2011

Bond, James Bond: The mother of all marathons

His name is infamous across the globe. He's the gentleman spy who is licensed to kill, thrill and charm every woman he meets.
That's right, I'm talking about Bond, James Bond. The suave and sophisticated British secret agent who likes his martinis shaken, not stirred and has slept with more women than Hugh Heffner!

To celebrate the start of shooting on Skyfall, Bond's 23rd outing on the big screen, I have decided to go back to where it all began and watch all 22 Bond films in one mega marathon, lasting over 40 hours during the summer holidays!

I will blog a review of every film at the end of each and will decide my definitive top 3 Bond films at the end of the marathon.

Watch this blog in the coming weeks for how I'm going to prepare myself for this marathon of epic proportions and more general ramblings.


Sunday 13 November 2011

A study break within a study break

My history exam isn't until Wednesday and I decided that I needed to take a break from study in order to maintain some sort of mental stability. So this weekend I put down my books and enjoyed myself.

I rented Skyrim on Friday and enjoyed that very muchly, then I saw my girlfriend Ciara on Saturday which was very nice (she always knows how to make me smile).

Saturday night I rented Modern Warfare 3 which was awesome! The campaign was superb and I've only scratched the surface of multiplayer.

If you're wondering, I'm a PS3 gamer. Add me so we can shoot eachother!
My tag is: Joshwahr

So for now, that is all. Hope you all had a good weekend too!


Wednesday 9 November 2011

Does the letter C in VCAA stand for Cheating?

Well it appears that the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) have been doing a bit of plagiarism! In the VCE year 12 (final year high school in Victoria) English exam, they included an article about tattoos, which turns out to have been blatantly stolen from Melbourne based writer Helen Razer.

This really makes me think, how can the people who would chastise students and throw the book at them if they were found cheating in an exam, get away with this?
This is a blatant case of plagiarism and the VCAA should be preparing themselves for one hell of a law suit if Razer wishes to press charges.

In the link below, you can read the entire article from 'The Age' newspaper regarding this issue.

Shame on you VCAA, shame on you.


Tuesday 8 November 2011

New Mobile Phone!

Because I can, I'm blogging from my new iPhone 4! Just thought I'd say hello and say that this is a very cool toy! Big upgrade from my iPhone 3G which was a first generation for them in Australia.


Monday 7 November 2011

Quentin Tarantino's 'Five Keys to Telling An Engaging Story'

In my entry Inspiring Film Makers - Part 2 - Quentin Tarantino I mentioned an article about his 'Five Keys to Telling An Engaging Story', so here they are!

1. Make people care. Think about any Tarantino film. Even if you’ve never watched one, you’ve probably heard of some of his characters. Maybe you’ve heard of Hattori Hanzo from Kill Bill, or maybe you’ve heard of Mr. Pink and Mr. White from Reservoir Dogs. In all of his movies, Tarantino creates characters that make you care, even if that caring surfaces as you really hoping that character gets what’s coming to them. If people are indifferent about your film, they won’t stick around to hear more about it.

How are you making people care about your story? What can they hold on to and tell others about?

2. Interweave lots of stories together. Pulp Fiction is probably the best example of how Tarantino can take the stories of characters from all over the place, fully develop each story, and then majestically bring them all together to form the punchline of the whole story. The audience is always aware of each individual story, but it’s never entirely clear, till the end or the climax (which aren’t always the same in Tarantino films) how it will all pull together.

Is your film cohesive, put together, and clear? Are you wrapping all of your stories together or are there some loose ends? How can you tie them up?
3. Don’t give away the whole story all at once. Just as Tarantino keeps his audience on edge about how all of these individual tales will mesh together, he also waits awhile to reveal details about the story or his characters that end up revealing a great deal about the overall story. For example, we don’t find out till quite late in Pulp Fiction that the time line is completely off. That’s pretty important. We don’t find out till pretty late in Kill Bill what Uma Thurman’s story is. Also very important. This late reveal keeps the audience engaged because they can’t wait to see more of the backstory.
How can you leave some space for your audience to finish your story and make it their own? How can you wait for the big reveal?
4. Every idea is fresh, and every idea is yours. Tarantino excels at creating very different movies. Reservoir Dogs doesn’t really bear much resemblance at all to Inglorious Basterds, which in turn doesn’t really bear much resemblance to Pulp Fiction. However, you can always kind of tell when you’re watching a Tarantino film. His trademark violence, ultra dark humor, and method of storytelling are dead give-aways.
What makes your film YOUR film?
5. Know thy audience. Tarantino is kind of like a stinky cheese. Not everyone likes his work, and in fact some people find it revolting. The people who like Tarantino’s work have very specific reasons for liking it, and they would likely fight you if you called their allegiance stupid. So far, Tarantino has not tried to bring radically different people into his office. He hasn’t approached Disney, for example, nor has he ever tried to do a kid’s film. In fact, I can’t recall many kids even showing up in his movies. He knows his audience, he knows what they want, and he delivers it to them.
Do you know who you’re marketing to? Are you talking to your audience the way you talk or the way they talk? Who is your audience? If you can’t answer this question, the other 4 keys will not work for you. You can’t engage someone you don’t know on some level.


Inspiring Film Makers - Part 2 - Quentin Tarantino

The second writer/director who has really inspired me to make films is, of course, 

Quentin Tarantino.

I hear many young film makers say this, but they don't really give a reason as to why. It's almost as if they throw in his name to sound like they know what they're talking about, but in reality, they don't have a clue!

Tarantino has been a major influence on me, and I'll give you the reasons as to why.

The first film of his I saw was 'Reservoir Dogs'. This film is by far his best work, and ironically was his debut film as a director.
From then on, I was hooked! 
I purchased all of his films on Blu Ray and had a massive marathon from Reservoir Dogs all the way through to Inglorious Basterds at the cinema when it was first released!

The way Tarantino creates a story and works with his characters is like no other in the industry. Unlike Besson, Tarantino's stories are complex and often interweave lots of stories together. But he does this in a way that doesn't confuse the audience or detract from the overall story.
I read an article once by Tarantino about his 'Five Keys to Telling an Engaging Story' and I will post this in my next blog entry, but this really sums up how he creates his films.

Another reason why he inspires me so much is that he hasn't had any formal training at all. He didn't go to film school or university to study film, but instead he was a video store clerk and a major cinefile (like me!) who just wrote and wrote and wrote. He tried to get some of his earlier screenplays made, but none of the production companies wanted him to direct them, so his first few feature films such as 'From Dusk Til Dawn' were directed by others like Robert Rodriguez. 
But finally Tarantino got his break as a director with 'Reservoir Dogs', and he hasn't looked back since! 

It's this never give up attitude of his that really inspires me, and it shows all film makers out there that no matter what, if you love what you do, just do it!

For these reasons, Quentin Tarantino is one of my favourite and most inspiring film makers.


Inspiring Film Makers - Part 1 - Luc Besson

The first and most important film maker that I think has inspired me is the French writer, director and producer, 

Luc Besson. 

He directed some absolutely awesome movies such as 'La Femme Nikita', 'The Professional', 'The Big Blue' and many more. His style is very simple, he doesn't try and cram in lots of plot lines etc, and his films can either be a slower pace, but build up towards the end (especially the films directed by him) or no holes barred action from the word "GO!"

But the film by Besson which has inspired me most is the film he wrote which was directed by another Frenchman, Pierre Morel (who happens to be one of my favourite directors), called 'Taken'. It stars Liam Neeson as Bryan Mills, a retired spy who has to rely on his old skills to save his daughter, who has been kidnapped by sex-slave traders on a holiday in France.

This film is utterly amazing, from the superb writing by Besson, to the fantastic direction from Pierre Morel, to the beautiful cinematography by Michel Abramowicz which blends Bourne-esque violence with a more elegant, fluid style of shooting, to Liam Neeson's brilliant performance as Bryan Mills.

I highly suggest that if you haven't seen this film, go and rent it from the video store now!

It is because of these reasons that Luc Besson is one of my favourite and most inspiring film makers.


Inspirations in Film

People often think I'm inspired by the big budget film makers such as Michael Bay or Steven Spielberg to make films because I write big action screenplays.

But they are mistaken. 

I'm not a huge Michael Bay fan, and I honestly didn't care much for the Transformers trilogy.

But I have often pondered the question "Who or what has inspired me to want to become a film maker?"
So in a two part entry, so that I don't bore you with long winded posts, I will talk a bit about the film makers and the films that have really inspired me to want to make movies!


VCE - It Ain't So Bad!

I had my first VCE exam yesterday for Psychology, and it wasn't as hard as I thought.
On the contrary, it was rather easy...
So my exams have started and are under way for the next three weeks!
  • Thursday 10/11 I have Literature
  • Friday 11/11 I have Drama
  • Thursday 16/11 I have History Revolutions
  • Monday 21/11 I have Media
Studying hard for Lit as it's the one that counts the most towards my university entry requirements.

I will endeavour to keep you informed on my progress throughout the next few weeks and my final scores at the end of the year!


Saturday 5 November 2011

Struggling to Study

I have my first VCE final year exam tomorrow, Psychology. And yet I cannot get the motivation to study for it. Thankfully we had a mid-year exam so it's not a massive amount of content to remember, but in saying that it's still a horribly, horribly content heavy subject.

Motivation to study is coming in dribs and drabs, not as much as I would like, but hey, it's better than nothing! I'm panicking a little bit that I may bomb the exam tomorrow, but fingers crossed that I have done enough in the way of study over the year to be enough. My notes are jam packed and I have this lovely summary book which we purchased, that helps a lot.

Seeing as this determines much of my life and where I go to university, you'd think I'd have higher concentration levels, but alas today I am struggling a bit...

I apologise in advance if I post a depressing sounding entry tomorrow about how I went in my psych exam.


Wednesday 2 November 2011

Shameless Promotion

Hello to all of my avid readers,

This is a bit of shameless promotion, but I think you should all check out my YouTube page and watch my short film The Golden Rule.

The film was made for Year 12 VCE (final year high school)  Media class as my major assignment and I was given an A+ (31/35) for it.

Dan (played by Nick Jones) runs a successful drugs syndicate at his private school. He has decided to get out while the going is good, but what happens when his dealers don't agree with Dan's retirement plans?

Click on the link below!



The Obligatory Greeting

G'day I'm Josh and this is my new blog!

I've decided to create this blog in lieu of seeing my friend Sean's wordpress site and thinking, I should really do one, writing my thoughts to random strangers on the internet sounds like fun!

I thought about doing a vlog, but you have to be 'sah indie' or be talented at singing to get viewers these days.
I am neither of these, so hence no vlog. (Though I may do one once I've finished my final year high school exams at the end of this month.)

So what you can look forward to in this blog are:
  • My general ramblings about life, the universe and everything
  • Lots of film facts and trivia
  • Links to my films on youtube
  • The occasional film review when I can be bothered to do one
But for now, hello and good bye, probably will post another entry later today. I hope you enjoy my posts to come!
