Tuesday 13 December 2011

Day 16 of my diary for Ciara

Hey babe, ok so today's is a little late on the upload, but it's up!

Yesterday was a pretty good day, I slept in so late its ridiculous, you'll never guess when I slept til!
12pm. Yes you read it right, slept until noon. What a badass I am...

The rest of the day consisted of my Mission: Impossible marathon because I'm seeing the new one on Wednesday night!

Then later in the evening it was off to school for presentation evening. It was the most god-awfully boring thing I've ever experienced. And I've been to every single one, but this one was the worst out of them all!

But every year 12 was presented with their 'graduation bible' (how exciting...) I think mine will be used as a paperweight.

Then after presentation I headed to Corey's place in Tyabb with a couple of the lads for a bit of a celebration! We went for a walk in Tyabb at about midnight. While we were walking we heard this massive bang, like an explosion. Then about two seconds later, the sky was lit up by this massive blue flash. It was the weirdest thing!

Perhaps it was aliens!!!
In Tyabb? Not likely... (sigh) I'll have to wait longer before I get to fly in a spaceship.

Anyway that's it for today! I got your message this morning, but you were gone by the time I sent my reply. So let me know when I can call you up and I will. Because I miss you terribly, and I really, really need to hear your voice babe.

Until I speak to you next, I bid you adieu. I love you Ciara.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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