Friday 2 December 2011

Day 5 of my diary for Ciara

Hey there good lookin! What's cookin?

Ok that sounded really seedy, not intended at all ;D

So today when I was getting ready in the morning to leave Nick's place, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I picked it up and saw it was you calling! Hearing your voice and what you had to say about Europe was amazing, it really made me smile to know you're having a great time over there!

After I got off the phone to you, with a grin from ear to ear, I jumped on the bus and headed home.
I helped mum out with some chores around the house during the day and watched a couple of DVDs. I didn't work tonight because I'm covering Kaine's shift tomorrow because he could only work tonight. So I went into work anyway and hired a movie called 'Hanna' and a PS3 game called 'Saints Row the Third.'

When I got home I heard my mobile ring and I picked it up and saw it was that familiar number that made me smile. Hearing your voice for a second time in the day really made me happy, you have no idea how much it means to me to just be able to chat with you, even for the briefest of times :) I miss you so so much Ciara! When I see you at the airport, be prepared, I may accidentally suffocate you from hugging you so tightly! :P

Anway, I spent the night home alone because the family went over to my uncle's house for dinner and I was just so tired I couldn't go. So I watched the DVD, played the game and had 2 chicken pies and veggies for dinner.
Wait what? Did I just choose to eat veggies?!?! What is the world coming to?????

So now I'm heading to bed for a well deserved rest, I'm absolutely knackered! I'll give you a call some time tomorrow, I'll wake up early in the morning so I can catch you before you go to sleep :)

Goodnight and have an amazing day girl. I'll talk to you very soon! Thank you again for calling, it really made me smile :) I love you Ciara <3

With love always
Your Josh xxx

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