Thursday 15 December 2011

Day 18 of my diary for this beautiful girl called Ciara

Well hey there gorgeous!

Well today was a pretty chillaxed day, woke up and called you but again your phone didn't work... So please let me know when I can call on a home line!

I just pottered around the house most of the day, just relaxing!
I wrote more on my screenplay and watched a DVD or two.
And that is literally it, some may say 'what a boring day', but to me, it was very relaxing! And that's all that matters right!

When Lochy got home he was complaining about some kid harassing him on the phone, threatening to beat him up, but Loch didn't know who it was. Of course, this kid was a bit of an idiot and didn't put his phone on private, so Loch had his number. I called him up, pretending to be some guy from Sydney that got a 'missed call' from him and that I needed to know who it was as I was expecting an important call about some business. And this kid gave me his name. What a total idiot! So now Loch knows who it is, in case this kid tries to hurt him, we can send a nice little law suit his way!

So that was an exciting little bit for the day, got to use my acting skills for something too! :P

Tomorrow is the day I find out my ATAR score for vce, which is exciting. But at the same time, I doubt I'll get much sleep tonight... Kinda nervous... Oh well what will be will be hey!

Anyways that's it for today, should probably get some sleep, I've got work all day tomorrow. Hopefully we talk soon, I can't wait to tell you all about my scores!
Let me know when I can call babe, I really really need to hear your voice Ciara. I love you girl.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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