Monday 5 December 2011

Day 8 of my diary for Ciara whilst she is away in Europe

Hey baby!

Before I start off today's diary, I forgot to mention in my previous blogs, and it cannot wait until tomorrow... Happy 8 months baby! Can't wait to see you when you get home and hold you in my arms.

So today was a pretty good day over here! I tried to call you in the morning, but alas no reply was to be had! (Insert sad face here...)
So I shall call you around 6.30am tomorrow morning like you asked me to! (Insert happy face here!)

Today I pottered around the house for a while, I played my PS3 game Skyrim for a bit before I headed off to my friend Tim Gordon's house with Nick & Alex Gates to record our first single for boysQuad!
Tim basically lives in the bungalow at the back of his house, which is very cool. It's like his own personal bachelor pad!
We spent the majority of the day there, just recording away, which was fun but hard for me because my throat is so sore... Gotta love being sick! Oh well that's what medicine and panadol is for!

Once I got home from Tim's it was about 6pm, so I was just in time for dinner. We had shepherd's pie, which was delicious. For dessert mum made a cake, except she left it in the oven slightly too long and it became rock solid. I mean you couldn't break the thing with a sledgehammer!

But that's about it really, I've been writing a bit more on my screenplays and yeah!
I cannot wait to hear more about your travels in Italy tomorrow morning, but until then it is time for me to hit the pillow.
Goodnight Ciara, I love you so much and I miss you like crazy girl! Stay safe and I hope you're having an amazing time over there.

Love always,
Your Josh xxxxx

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