Friday 16 December 2011

Day 19 of my diary for Ciara

Hey girl, well today was a pretty awesome day!

It started off with me getting a text message at 7am this morning with my ATAR score for VCE. I am very happy with it, I got a 67.55, and considering the year I've had I'd say I did rather well!

Then later in the morning I had a lovely chat with you on the phone. I then walked to work while chatting with you. Ciara, you have no idea how much hearing your voice meant to me. It was the high point of my day by far :)

Then for the next six hours from 10am-4pm I worked around the shop, serving customers, taking deliveries and helping out the air conditioner guy who was fixing it. Oh and we got new uniforms! They're not great... But better than the crappy one I have at the moment!

After work I grabbed some maccas for lunch and headed home. My feet were killing me, I mean really sore for no reason. So I sat back and watches part of season one of a show called 'Arrested Development.' It's really funny! I recon you'd like it :)

Then later this evening after dinner Nick came around and picked me up. We then headed down to his place, wandered through Rosebud, along the beach and then watched some Simpsons.

That's my day really! I didn't do much, but a great deal happened!
Thank you again for chatting on the phone this morning babe, it really made me smile to know you're having an amazing time over there!

Like you asked me to I'll call again in the morning here, but maybe a bit earlier so you're not as tired!
Let me know on Facebook when works best for you and I shall call :)

Well I better head to sleep, it's kinda late here now... Well early... It's half past midnight, so either way it's bedtime for me!

Until tomorrow, adieu my darling girl, I love you Ciara.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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