Thursday 8 December 2011

Day 11 of my diary for Ciara

Hey girl!

Well today started off very well indeed! I spoke to a special someone, namely you, on the phone for quite some time. Hearing your voice and all about your trip in Europe made me smile like you wouldn't believe. You have no idea how much I miss you Ciara, and small things like a phone call really help me stay sane :)

After I got off the phone with you, I went back to sleep for a while before eventually getting up and having eggs for breakfast!
My plans of meeting up with a mate today didn't happen, so I decided to do something.

I decided on a shopping trip! I bought Luke's 18th present, a nerf gun! (which I can tell you about on here because I highly doubt he reads this blog!) So I'll give that to him at his party tomorrow night!
I also did a bit of Christmas shopping, for the family.

I got your Christmas present too! I found something that I think you'll really like! Well I hope you will :p hahaha but that's a secret as to what it is until Santa comes to town! That'll keep you thinking! Hehehe

I also brought myself a few things. I got a BluRay movie for mum to give me for christmas (sad when I buy my own presents, isn't it? Hahaha)

I thought I'd indulge myself a bit, so I got myself a new t-shirt which you can see on my facebook page, and a BluRay movie pack for me to have now.
I started off the day with quite a bit of money, now I have next to none... Oh well that's what I work for!

When I got home, I watched the bonus features on my new movie pack, then had dinner later on and sat down to write more on my screenplay.

It's now past midnight, so I think it's time for me to retire to my bed for some well earned sleep! I will call you tomorrow at the same time as today, hopefully it works! :)

I love you Ciara. Until we speak again, stay safe and have an amazing time!

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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