Friday 9 December 2011

Day 12 of my diary for Ciara

Hey gorgeous girl,

Ok so technically it's now day 13 as its 2am here, but I figured I should probably do my diary for day 12 sooner rather than later!
However I'll still refer to it as today because I can't be bothered writing yesterday, past tenses annoy me.

Today I woke up and again tried to call you but continued to get that same message that your phone is off or out of range.
So I headed back to bed after residing in the fact it wasn't going to get through.

I didn't awaken from my slumber until nearly 11.15am. By which point I decided its probably a good idea to Fi and eat something! So I wandered into the kitchen and had two pieces of toast for breakfast, I wasn't very hungry as you can probably tell.

For the majority of the day I sat at the computer writing out a screenplay, treatment and so on for a music video I'm making.
Pa came over for a little bit, so I chatted with him and had a cup of coffee whilst we talked.

Then tonight it was time to suit up in my tails, put on my bow tie, cuff links on my shirt and a hat to top it off.. The reason for me getting dressed up so extravagantly was that it was Luke's "Roaring Twenties" themed 18th and so we all dressed up for a bit of fun!
All in all it was a fun night, no one drank really, except Alex Newton Levey... Was amusing listening to his biblical debates with a heavily Christian person.
It was a pretty fun night and I thoroughly enjoyed myself!

But now it's late, and I need my beauty sleep. I've gotta work tomorrow night, so I don't want to run out of energy during my six hour shift!

I hope to talk to you soon Ciara, and I hope that you're loving every minute of your trip! How is Germany? :)

Goodnight beautiful girl, I love you so much and I miss you like you wouldn't believe. I can't wait to see you :)

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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