Wednesday 14 December 2011

Day 17 of my diary for Ciara

Hey girl, how's it going? I hope you're having an awesome time in Milan!
I can't wait to talk to you Ciara, let me know when I can call and I shall!

Well what a day today was! I woke up at Corey's place, tired as all heck. I should've gone to bed before 4am... Anyway I made a sandwich for breaky, grabbed a Gatorade from the shops and I was set!

I headed down to school to meet with a teacher to discuss a project he wants me to work on for him. He'll be getting the school to pay me money to shoot a short documentary he can use in the classroom! How cool is that?!?! My first real filming job and I haven't even hit film school!

After that I went home and I caught up on a good hour's worth of sleep whilst mum was out shopping with Pa. When she got home I had some leftover lasagna for lunch and wrote more on my film. I've had a couple of people read it; my media teacher from distance ed, who gave me some really good tips, and my drama teacher from flinders who absolutely loved it!
So that's going well!

Later in the evening I went into frankston to go bowling for the Civic staff Christmas party. I got one of the highest scores out of everyone! I don't know how... I haven't bowled in god knows how long, but I got two strikes!!! While we were there, I played Taylah from work in a game of pool. She was winning, I had three balls to sink and she only had the 8 ball left. She sunk the 8 ball and the white ball, meaning I won by default! Pure luck wins Josh sports yet again! Hahaha

Afterwards I met up with Dad to go and see the advanced screening of Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. Damn it was a good movie. I really enjoyed it! The only downside was that some idiots came into the cinema half way through and made an awful ruckus, but they got kicked out nice and quickly, so it all worked out well!

And that's my day, pretty exhausting! I'm ready for bed now, I need to start getting to sleep before midnight... Oh well I'm not at school anymore! But still, my body needs the rest.

I'll call you at the usual time on your mobile tomorrow. Hopefully it works, but if not please let me know if I can call Pietro's house or not, because I really need to hear your voice Ciara. I had a bit of a meltdown and I just need to hear your voice.

I love you so much girl, more than you will ever know. I can't wait to see you again!

Until we speak again, !

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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