Wednesday 21 December 2011

Day 24 of my diary for Ciara

Hey babe,

Well today was a pretty good day, except for one thing... The hot water isn't working :|
So I got up this morning, jumped into the shower and squealed like a little girl as the freezing cold water assaulted my body. If I wasn't awake then, I certainly was after that shower!

Mum had gone shopping with Pa, so I was left home alone for the morning. I made myself vegemite toast, and because we didn't have any juice, I had Dr. Pepper soft drink. The breakfast of champions!

I then wandered around the house for a bit, rather bored, so I offered my services as a director to a few people and it looks like I've got a few gigs shooting some music videos for bands coming up!
I then sat down at the computer and wrote more on a new screenplay I've been working on. It's not great... But hey, at least I'm writing something! I will make it good eventually.

Mum got home around lunch time and I had meat pies for lunch whilst watching the movie "Hobo With A Shotgun."
Dear god, sweet mother of Jesus that was a bad film! I can't even begin to explain just how bad it was... I mean sure it was an exploitation film, but Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez made much better exploitation films when they did their Grindhouse double feature!

Anyway I then proceeded to teach myself Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People on ukulele after seeing a mate's cover of it for her audition for the tv show The Voice.
I'm getting pretty good at it too! Not long before I'm a ukulele virtuoso (if there is such a thing...)

After dinner I wrote my review of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol after Chris pestered me to do it. So I posted that to my blog if you want to have a read of that as well!

That's it for today, a pretty relaxing and fulfilling day for me!

How's France babe? That is if you're still there, and not on a plane home...
I called your mum and I'll be at the airport with her to pick you up tomorrow night! I can't wait to see your face Ciara, I've missed you like crazy these past three and a half weeks... I love you more than words can describe my girl.

So until tomorrow, safe journey and bon voyage!

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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