Sunday 4 December 2011

Day 7 of my diary for Ciara

Bonjour madamoiselle,
Parlez vous Francais?

Well that was a different way to start off today's entry!

This morning started off with me calling you a few times and it not quite working out because you were traveling. But eventually we were able to talk, and oh did it help to hear your voice. So you're headed to Venice now! How exciting!!!

Far more exciting than anything I've done lately... Sometimes I think to myself why am I writing about absolutely nothing? But then it helps me to keep sane while you're away!

After I got off the phone to you, I went back to sleep and didn't wake up until nearly midday! I feel terrible... Headache, fever, sorest throat and I can't stop coughing! But I'll survive, as always! I seem to get sick a lot...

For the majority of the day I just toiled around the house, not doing much really. I then got up some initiative and brought myself a PS3 game to keep me occupied. So far so good, it seems to be working!

Then this afternoon I had indoor hockey, we won by about 8-0 which was awesome!
I then came home, had dinner, played some more playstation before heading to bed.

Such a demanding day!
Well, not really...

Anyway how's Europe? I'll call you in the morning around the same time as today, about 7.30am Australian time.
I can't wait to hear your voice Ciara, I just need to hear you and just talk, I'm not doing so good today...

But enough of my moping! I hope you're having an amazing time babe and I can't wait to hear all about it next time we speak!

Until then, I bid you adieu.
I love you Ciara.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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