Monday 12 December 2011

Day 15 of my diary for Ciara

Hey babe!

Well today was an interesting day indeed! I awoke to call you, but of course you didn't answer as usual, so after trying again I resided in the fact that you probably won't pick up.
So I went back to sleep, but not long after, I was awoken suddenly by the ringing of my phone!
I quickly snatched it up, thinking that it was you calling, but alas it was not... It was my manager (sigh) asking me to cover a shift at work this afternoon.
Of course, I said yes, I need all the money I can get!

So because of that, my plans to meet up with some mates in Rosebud we're cancelled because by the time I went down there I'd have to turn around and come back home!

So I sat around, played some playstation and wrote some more! I then looked on the Hoyts cinema website and booked tickets for my dad and I to go and see the advanced screening of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol on Wednesday night after my work Christmas party.

So I'm very excited to see that film!
I then headed down to work this arvo, my first shift on my own! It went pretty smoothly, apart from the computer crashing several times... Stupid thing.
Holly from work and her boyfriend came in to help me with closing up later tonight, which was good just to make sure I hadn't missed anything!

And then I headed home where I started my Mission Impossible marathon before seeing the new one on Wednesday!

That's about it really for me today!
How's Milan babe? What's it like there? How's your host family and Pietro? Hope you're having an amazing time over there girl!

I love you and miss you lots! I'll call at the normal time on your mobile, but let me know if I can call his home and I'll call there instead if that works better!

Well I'm off, beddy byes for Josh!

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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