Tuesday 6 December 2011

Day 9 of my diary for Ciara

The hills are alive, with the sound of music!

Hey babe, there's a different start to the day! According to your itinerary you're in Austria, so I felt it fitting to start off with that!

Well today started off with me trying to call you, but yet again my efforts were in vein... With no answer I tried several more times before residing in the fact that you weren't going to pick up any time soon. And heck I can't blame you? You're overseas exploring the marvels of Europe, no need for me! :p

Anywho I spent the majority of the morning lying in bed reading, because I felt utterly atrocious, I wish my body would like me for once and just stop being sick... Oh well hey!
I eventually got up, had brunch and pottered around the house for the mid part of the day. Pa came around briefly in the arvo which was nice to see him!

I then had work from 4-9pm. My manager left Meg (one of the girls I work with) and I a mountain of work to do, but we eventually got it done! I had satay chicken from the Thai shop for dinner, and it was absolutely delicious

After work I came home and watched Cowboys & Aliens with Dad, it was a good fun movie. And now I've retire to bed once again to write my diary for you and hit the pillow.

Getting my hair cut tomorrow, going to try something different. I don't know what, but I feel like a change of hairstyle! I'll post a pic for you tomorrow.

But until then ciao bella. I love you Ciara, and I hope you're having an amazing time over there. I'll call you at the usual time of 6.30am Australian time.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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