Thursday 1 December 2011

Day 4 of my diary for my beautiful girlfriend Ciara

Hello my beautiful girl,

Today was one heck of a day for me! This morning, Nick and I drove down to Bushranger's Bay at Cape Shank. It was absolutely beautiful, the sun was shining and there wasn't a dark cloud in the skies. After a bit of a hike, we arrived at the beach where we explored and climbed up on this massive rocky outcrop where the waves were crashing over the edge. I must take you out there when you get home, you'd love it so much Ciara. We could take a picnic out there with us or something like that! :)

Then we drove back to Nick's, had a late lunch and then drove into Mornington where we played indoor soccer for the NADS team. The team we were supposed to play didn't show up so we got a walkover meaning we won by default (lucky us!), so we played a friendly match against an A grade team and lost by quite a bit... But it was so much fun!

This evening we went into Mornington for a while after the game. We had Maccas for dinner, we messed around with the drive thru staff's heads; at each part of the drive thru, Nick changed his accent. He went from Indian to posh British to Hillbilly American! It was pretty darn funny!

Gosh I can't wait to get my P-plates!!!

That's about it really, I'm absolutely exhausted! Heading home tomorrow, I haven't been there for basically an entire week! This is my schoolies week! Relaxing with my best mate, that's the way to do it! :)

Anyway enough about me, how is Europe?!?! I'm guessing you've left Rome now and are in another beautiful part of Italy. How is it? What have you been up to babe? Can't wait to hear from you! I tried to call several times, but you didn't answer so let me know when I can call you :)

I love you so much more than you will ever know Ciara, and I miss you like crazy...

Well considering is 12.22am I should probably head to bed and get some sleep. I'll try calling you once again before I hit the pillow.
If I don't speak to you tonight, I hope you're loving every moment of your trip and I can't wait to hear your voice!.

I love you Ciara,
Your Josh xxxxxxx

P.s. Did I mention that I love you?

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