Wednesday 30 November 2011

Day 3 of my diary for my girl Ciara

Hey gorgeous,

Here's a random fact: The loading bay on the international space station is so big that you could fit a blue whale inside! Impressive huh? Ok I need more funny facts, that was just crap...

Today nothing much happened much really. I hung around at Nick's whilst he went off and did his P-plates test, he passed! Stay off the roads, there's a madman on the loose!

While he was out, I started watching a tv show called 'The Walking Dead' which is about a zombie apocalypse, very cool show!

About half an hour ago we returned to Nick's after going for a cruise in his car up Arthur's Seat and down to Portsea where all the drunk schoolies kids are. Was pretty damn funny. Surprisingly Nick is a very safe driver, he sits 10kmph under the speed limit!

Now we're just kicking back, relaxing, chillaxing (yes I just said chillaxing, please don't slap me). Might go for another drive later depending on how we feel, even though it's nearly 12am.

That's about it really, was a rather boring day, rained for pretty much most of it. Oh well summer starts tomorrow, time to work on my tan!

How's Europe babe? Can't wait to hear from you and hear what you have to say about your travels so far!

I guess I should probably call it a night, ciao bella! I love you Ciara. Stay safe and I hope you're having an amazing time!

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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