Wednesday 2 November 2011

The Obligatory Greeting

G'day I'm Josh and this is my new blog!

I've decided to create this blog in lieu of seeing my friend Sean's wordpress site and thinking, I should really do one, writing my thoughts to random strangers on the internet sounds like fun!

I thought about doing a vlog, but you have to be 'sah indie' or be talented at singing to get viewers these days.
I am neither of these, so hence no vlog. (Though I may do one once I've finished my final year high school exams at the end of this month.)

So what you can look forward to in this blog are:
  • My general ramblings about life, the universe and everything
  • Lots of film facts and trivia
  • Links to my films on youtube
  • The occasional film review when I can be bothered to do one
But for now, hello and good bye, probably will post another entry later today. I hope you enjoy my posts to come!


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