Tuesday 29 November 2011

Day 2 of my diary for Ciara

Hey Ciara,

I'm going to start my letter to you with a random fact. Did you know that Jesus tamed many dragons? True fact!

So it's day two of your trip away, hasn't really sunk in that you're away for so long! Oh who am I kidding? I miss you like crazy!

So today was the day I had to go into school and do my detention for our muck up day pranks.
Worst day ever for it.
It was so freaking hot! As soon as I got there I was put to work weeding garden beds, then I had to mulch a massive garden. Man it was hot, but a damn good workout! Hahaha
I had lunch in a gloriously air conditioned room, then after that it was back to the hard labour at Flinders Christian Community Concentration Camp!
I pruned every hedge at the front of the school and finished off with more weeding.

I caught the bus to Nick's place. We chilled around for a bit, then went canoeing in the bay (my arms are dead!)
We're now chilling out watching the Simpsons and eating dim sims!

How's your trip so far beautiful girl? Can't wait to hear from you and I hope you're having an amazing time! I love you Ciara.

Until tomorrow, aur revoir my girl.

Lots and lots of love,
From your Josh xxx

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