Monday 28 November 2011

Day 1 of my diary for my girl Ciara

Dear Ciara,

As we talked about while you're away I'll write a letter to you every day about my day, here's day 1 :)

Today, I went into St. Kilda with dad for a while, I wrote more on my screenplay and then headed off into the city for my interview at RMIT.

I braved the wilds of the Melbourne tram system. My Google map took me to the wrong end of the street so I jogged for a kilometer or more before I eventually ended up at RMIT.

I waited for a about half an hour before I was asked to come inside. There were two people who interviewed me. They rattled off many questions and I answered them all as best I knew how.
At the end I feel I did really well, I answered all their questions and felt really confident! The lady interviewer seemed impressed and said she was very impressed with my skills and capabilities!

On the way back to st kilda, I stopped off to get a coffee from this little Italian place which I must show you!
Anyway, as I was walking towards Flinders street station there was an aboriginal guy who was walking in the opposite direction. He was wearing massive headphones, had a bottle of whiskey in hand and was singing 'So What' by Pink at the top of his lungs!
Only in Melbourne hey!
If only I could get a video in time before he walked away! It was the funniest thing I've seen all week, except for Jakey jumping all over you when we were on the couch watching your Kardashians DVD!

Right now as I'm writing to you, I'm watching a DVD and wishing I could hold you in my arms :)

How was your day baby? How was the flight and your trip to Rome? Or as the Italians say it with so much more style, Roma!
I miss you so much already girl, you have no idea! Hopefully this little diary will keep me sane while you're away :)

I hope to hear from you soon my darling, I love you so very much Ciara.
Stay safe and have an amazing time girl.
Until tomorrow my love, it's good night from me.

Love always from,
your Josh xxx

P.s. I love you Ciara

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