Wednesday 9 November 2011

Does the letter C in VCAA stand for Cheating?

Well it appears that the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) have been doing a bit of plagiarism! In the VCE year 12 (final year high school in Victoria) English exam, they included an article about tattoos, which turns out to have been blatantly stolen from Melbourne based writer Helen Razer.

This really makes me think, how can the people who would chastise students and throw the book at them if they were found cheating in an exam, get away with this?
This is a blatant case of plagiarism and the VCAA should be preparing themselves for one hell of a law suit if Razer wishes to press charges.

In the link below, you can read the entire article from 'The Age' newspaper regarding this issue.

Shame on you VCAA, shame on you.


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