Saturday 17 December 2011

Day 20 of my diary for the beautiful miss Ciara Griffiths

Hey gurrl how's it going?

Well I tried to call you today, but low and behold your phone didn't work as usual... So I tried a couple more times, it didn't work. So I went back to sleep, woke back up, tried again, didn't work again, so got up and had some breaky.

Nick and I watched the Guy Ritchie movie 'Snatch' which is one of my favourites!
We then wandered on the beach and went for a paddle.
Nick then drove me to work where I spent the next six hours watching The Muppets Christmas and chatting about wedding dresses with Ali.
After work I met up with a couple of mates for an hour or so, which was nice.
Now I'm sitting at home watching 'Friends With Benefits' which is really good, damn Mila Kunis is a babe! :P

So yeah, that's my day. Had a bit of a breakdown so it'd be nice to hear your voice. But yeah it doesn't matter if you can't!

I better head to bed, get some shut eye. Got a hockey match tomorrow evening so I need my energy!
Let me know when I can call you babe, or you call me, it'd be amazing if I can hear your voice. I love you Ciara.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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