Wednesday 7 December 2011

Day 10 of my diary for Ciara

Ten days! Wow time goes by quick!

I'll keep today's entry brief because there's not much to tell about today really hahaha

I woke up and tried to call a certain girl several times before realizing that her phone wasn't working! So I got up and had breakfast and tried to call her a couple times more, but to no avail...

Today I wrote on my screenplay a bit more, making the dialogue more natural and fluid, as if it were real life and not just the thoughts in my head.
I then went down the street with Mum and Pa christmas shopping and getting the groceries.

I then got my hair cut, looks pretty sexy if I do say so myself! I'll post you a picture as soon as I can get my camera working on the phone, it's decided to die for some reason :/

We then went back to Nan & Pa's place for lunch and then headed home.
I got a message from you asking to call, so again I tried multiple times, but alas my efforts were in vein once again. For whatever reason it keeps saying that your phone is 'Switched off or out of range.' Which is very annoying, but oh well!
I'm starting to get this feeling that you just don't want to talk to me... :P hahahaha

Anyway I watched the Robert Rodriguez film 'Desperado' with dinner and then headed to bed to write this diary once more!
I will call at 6.30am tomorrow as usual, I hope to hear your voice then baby!

I love you Ciara, and I miss you like crazy...

Until tomorrow, I bid you adieu.

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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