Saturday 3 December 2011

Day 6 of my diary for Ciara

Hey gorgeous girl,

Well today started off incredibly well, I was awoken at 6am to the sounds of my mobile ringing. I picked up the phone and saw it was from you and for the next ten or so minutes I chatted with the most amazing girl I know. She told me about Europe and the magic of the place, and I just listened in awe of her travels and experiences :)

For the rest of the day, I really didn't do much. No that's an understatement. I did bugger all! I wrote more on my film for a while and tweaked parts of my older one, trying to fix up the terrible sections, which is the majority of the screenplay... But yet I persist!

Later in the afternoon I got a phone call from Tayla at work saying that I needed to come in early, so I rushed to get ready and bolted out the door. For the next six hours I worked at the video shop, helping out customers and generally working. Ali taught me how to close, so not too soon I'll be working by myself. How scary..!..

When I got home I tried to call you, but got no answer, so I'll call again at the same time as you called me this morning. So 6am Australian time :) can't wait to hear your voice Ciara, I miss you so so much!

After that I crashed and watched a DVD before heading to bed to write down my diary for you.
And that's about it really, a very, very bland day for me! Except for the phone call from you that is :)

How's Italy? I hope you're feeling better and the tummy bug has gone away :) I imagine you're having the absolute time of your life over there!
I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow babe, but until then, stay safe and I love you beautiful girl.

Love always,
Your Josh xxxxxxx

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