Saturday 10 December 2011

Day 13 of my diary for Ciara

Thirteen days! Nearly two whole weeks since you've been away. I miss you so very muchly! Come home already!!! Hahaha But seriously, I hope you're having a blast over there babe :)

Well today started off with me waking up at Nick's gran's place in Mornington, we crashed there after the party last night. We got up and drove back to rosebud, but in the process, nick showed me this awesome abandoned skate park! I took lots of photos on his camera so hopefully he uploads them soon.

We then picked up his sister and force her to Balnarring. While we were over there we checked out the old submarine in Westernport bay and went to the museum about it. It was very cool! I'd love to be able to go out on it, but alas it's well out in the bay.

I then got a call from Taylah from work at 3pm saying "Hey Josh, you do realize you're starting at 3pm today right?" And of course I thought I was starting at 4pm because my manager told me I started at 4! So we rushed back to my place, I quickly got changed and raced off to work.

Taylah left early so I was in charge of the shop until Ali came to work with me. But Ali was running late because of a wedding dress fit out or something like that, so I was in charge for two and a half hours! It was so much fun, I can't wait to be able to work by myself once I'm fully trained!

Anyway once Ali got there we were pretty busy all night, so that kept us preoccupied. I had Nandos for dinner, which was very nice for a change. When I got home I watched the last Harry Potter movie with the family. It was so good!

Anyway that's basically my day, it was pretty fun! In other news I've nearly finished fixing up my screenplay and I've almost finished writing the music video!

But enough about me! How's Europe?!?! I bet it's amazing and you're having the time of your life there! Is it today you get to meet your host family? I hope you're enjoying it have :)

Anyway it's nearly quarter past 1am so I should get some sleep... Oh who am I kidding? I don't have school anymore! I can stay up as late as I want!!! Weeeeow! But sleep is important though, so I'll end up asleep pretty soon I'd say!

I love you Ciara, and I miss you lots girl. I can't wait to hold you in my arms when you get home :)

Love always,
Your Josh xxx

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