Monday 7 November 2011

Inspiring Film Makers - Part 2 - Quentin Tarantino

The second writer/director who has really inspired me to make films is, of course, 

Quentin Tarantino.

I hear many young film makers say this, but they don't really give a reason as to why. It's almost as if they throw in his name to sound like they know what they're talking about, but in reality, they don't have a clue!

Tarantino has been a major influence on me, and I'll give you the reasons as to why.

The first film of his I saw was 'Reservoir Dogs'. This film is by far his best work, and ironically was his debut film as a director.
From then on, I was hooked! 
I purchased all of his films on Blu Ray and had a massive marathon from Reservoir Dogs all the way through to Inglorious Basterds at the cinema when it was first released!

The way Tarantino creates a story and works with his characters is like no other in the industry. Unlike Besson, Tarantino's stories are complex and often interweave lots of stories together. But he does this in a way that doesn't confuse the audience or detract from the overall story.
I read an article once by Tarantino about his 'Five Keys to Telling an Engaging Story' and I will post this in my next blog entry, but this really sums up how he creates his films.

Another reason why he inspires me so much is that he hasn't had any formal training at all. He didn't go to film school or university to study film, but instead he was a video store clerk and a major cinefile (like me!) who just wrote and wrote and wrote. He tried to get some of his earlier screenplays made, but none of the production companies wanted him to direct them, so his first few feature films such as 'From Dusk Til Dawn' were directed by others like Robert Rodriguez. 
But finally Tarantino got his break as a director with 'Reservoir Dogs', and he hasn't looked back since! 

It's this never give up attitude of his that really inspires me, and it shows all film makers out there that no matter what, if you love what you do, just do it!

For these reasons, Quentin Tarantino is one of my favourite and most inspiring film makers.


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